What are Bio-remodelling injections?

Bio-remodelling injections engages with the body’s receptors and stimulates collagen production. This flows easily and distributes within the skin resulting in a healthier more youthful dermis without adding more volume unlike dermal fillers.

What are the benefits?

Bio Remodelling treatment improves skin tone, elasticity, and over all hydration. Bio-remodelling injections intervenes with the physiological process of ageing tissue such as loss of skin turgor and collagen within the dermis.

How does Bio-remodelling work?

Bio-remodelling injections stimulates your body’s ability to produce collagen and elastin through a slow release of Hyaluronic acid. This treatment significantly improves skin quality and gives a tightening and lifting effect on the skin.

Who is this treatment suitable for?

The great thing about this skin treatment is it’s safe nature of the injections staying clear from the main arteries and the antiageing effects of the treatment. Bio-remodelling injections are suitable for those who are 18 years old and above.

How many Bio-remodelling injections do I need?

For optimal results two treatment sessions one month a part is recommended. Followed by a maintenance treatment in six months time. However, this also depends on the facial assessment.

What are the side effects and possible adverse reactions?

Like most injectable treatments small bumps, lumps, slight tenderness, redness and slight swelling are possible side effects of Bio-remodelling injections. This can be relieved using ice at the site and can last up to ten days.

Nodules may appear at the site of injections and in extremely rare cases discolouration at the injections point.

Who is bio remodelling treatment not suitable for?

Bio- remodelling treatment can’t be used in concurrence with laser resurfacing and medium deep skin peels.

How much do bio-remodelling injections cost?

The cost of bio-remodelling injections $900 per treatment or $1700 for two treatments. You can find the full price guide here.

What is the recovery time with Bio remodelling injections?

You may leave the clinic with a few small lumps at the injection point, slight redness , slight swelling and tenderness. How ever the lumps will eventually disperse within the next 24 hours. Some people have found after bio remodelling treatments that the small lumps have disappeared within a few hours. Otherwise you can resume normal activity immediately after. But exercise is not recommended until 24hours after the treatment.