Dermal Fillers Injectables Treatment

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are a gel-like substance that are injected underneath the skin to replace volume loss , decrease lines and contour the face.

What areas can be treated?

The areas that can be treated with dermal fillers include lips, cheeks, Tear trough, mid face, jawline, chin, chin crease, smokers lines, deep lines, superficial lines, preauricular, marionettes, nasolabial folds and temples.

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Dermal fillers for anti-ageing

Unfortunately, As we get older the visible signs of ageing increase. This is a concern for both males and females across the country. There are multiple reasons for wrinkles, lines, and thin lips on your face. Amongst them, the most common cause is the thinning out of your facial tissues. Your facial tissues lose volume as you grow older, and thus, you witness visible signs around the nose, mouth, and cheeks. But dermal fillers can fill the volume around these tissues and restore your youthful appearance in just a few visits. 

Over the last decade or so, the cosmetic industry has flourished due to advancements in technology and the availability of safe treatment practices. Dermal filler treatment is a fairly common treatment used to rejuvenate the face and is performed by a highly skilled medical practitioner. So, book an appointment today at our boutique cosmetic clinic in Norwest to discuss your personalised dermal filler treatment plan.

What are dermal fillers used for?

Every now and then, we have people at our clinic asking us a few questions. common questions include; what can dermal fillers correct? when should you opt for dermal fillers? To help you understand what dermal fillers are actually effective against, we have listed a few treatment areas and concerns below. 

  • Dermal fillers can be used to plump and hydrate the lips. This is done by subtly adding volume to the area.

  • It’s also highly effective in decreasing shadowing caused by volume loss.

  • Dermal fillers can be strategically placed to get rid of deep lines.

  • Dermal fillers can also be used for beautification purposes such as facial contouring and profile balancing.

  • Darkness under the eyes can be addressed with dermal fillers if the cause is due to volume loss or hollowing.

  • Chin projection and chin elongation can be addressed with dermal fillers.

  • Dermal fillers can be used to decrease the prominence of static lines.

  • Moreover, you can address various spots and scars on your face with this treatment as well. 

There is a range of indications that dermal fillers can be used for. The appropriate treatment necessary will depend on your aesthetic goals, clinical indication and medical history. Please book in a consult with Nurse Kerziah to discuss your treatment plan.

What are the potential side effects of dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are quite commonly used. However, there are minor side effects that can occur. This includes slight bruising, localised tenderness at the injection site, slight redness, bumps, slight swelling. Uncommon and rare side effects of dermal fillers include necrosis to the skin due to a vascular occlusion, infection, delayed nodules and in exceedingly rare cases blindness.

How long do dermal fillers last and when will I start seeing results?

There are many factors that affect the longevity of dermal fillers. This includes type of dermal filler used, muscle movement in the area, lifestyle, and metabolism. Dermal fillers generally last anywhere from 6 months - 2 years.

The results can be seen immediately after. But keep in mind that there is slight swelling immediately after the treatment. It can take up to 2 months for the dermal filler to settle.

What are the after care instructions? 

  • Avoid high intensity/ aerobic exercise for 24 hours. 

  • No smoking or drinking alcohol for 24 hours. 

  • Avoid rubbing or massaging the area. 

  • Avoid laying on the treated area for 24 hours.

  • Avoid wearing make up for 12 hours.

  • For cheek augmentation, it is recommended to avoid restrictive headwear such as helmets and sunglasses for up to four weeks.

  • No waxing or resurfacing the area.

  • Do not use ibuprofen, aspirin, fish-oil for 24 hours after the injections

  • There is a small risk of bruising. If this occurs don’t worry as it is temporary, this is generally minor and can be covered up with makeup. Arnica tablets and Hirudoid cream can help reduce the bruising.

  • You may feel a few lumps for up to 2 weeks, as your body adjusts to the new volume. If you can see any lumps or you have any concerns please contact your Registered Nurse immediately on 0452 041 414.

  • It can take up to two - four weeks to see the full results. It’s recommended that you attend your scheduled follow up appointment with your cosmetic nurse at the Norwest location.

Who is this treatment not suitable for?

  • Unfortunately this treatment is not suitable if you are pregnant or breast feeding. 

  • If you are under the age of 18 years old (even if you have parental consent).

  • If you are currently on antibiotics or have an active infection. 

  • Within four weeks of having the covid 19 vaccine.

  • If you are feeling unwell.

What product do you use?

Due to the regulations in Australia, the brand names can’t be mentioned. Here at Next aesthetics, we use the major brands in Australia.

How much does the the treatment cost?

The cost of the treatment will vary. This will depend on the area being treated and your aesthetic goal and the Medical recommendations. Please see the price guide here.

How often do I need to have treatment?

This will depend on the treatment area. Repeat treatment can occur anywhere from 4 weeks.