PDO Mono Threads

What are PDO mono threads?

PDO (Polydioxanone) mono threads are free floating absorbable polymer threads that stimulate collagen synthesis, tightens and thickens the skin. This treatment also improves the skin texture.

How is the Treatment performed?

The skin is cleaned and numbing cream is applied to the area. The PDO threads are placed into the skin using a small introducer. Once the introducer is inserted the PDO threads remain in the skin.

What ares can be treated with PDO mono threads?

PDO mono threads can be used on a range of areas. This includes ; Frown lines, eye brows, temples, tear troughs / under eyes, cheeks, marionette lines, Nasolabial folds/ mouth lines, smokers lines, neck lines, décolletage, Jawline, elbow, stomach and double chin.

When do you start seeing the results from the PDO mono threads?

You can begin to see results from the PDO threads from 8- 12 weeks. This also depends on each person. Factors such as the persons age and lifestyle can determine this.

Is there down time with PDO mono threads?

During the procedure the skin is punctured in order to introduce the threads into the skin. This can cause slight swelling and bruising in the treatment area. This can take up to two weeks to resolve. light make up can be used on the treatment area the day after the procedure.

Can I work out after my treatment?

Avoid working out for 24- 48 hours post treatment.

What do I need to avoid after having my treatment?

  • Avoid oil based moisturiser or make up for 24 hours after your treatment.

  • Avoid Saunas or heat treatments for 3 weeks.

  • Avoid facials or facial massages for 5 days.

How much does the treatment cost?

  • Nasolabial folds - $450

  • Mouth lines - $450

  • Temples - $450

  • Eye Brow lift - $450

  • Neck lines - $650

  • Jawline/ Double chin - $450

  • After your treatment, you'll probably see some immediate firming and lifting. The results of your thread lift face will continue to develop. Your tightened, lifted results should get better over the next few months as your body starts to naturally produce collagen.

  • People who are visibly aging or undergoing early facial aging are typically the best candidates for this treatment. These symptoms can include small lines and wrinkles around the nose, lips, and chin, as well as mild to moderate skin laxity rather than severe skin laxity.

    Patients with active acne or damaged skin may not be suitable candidates for this treatment. Additionally, it might not be suited for those who are prone to cold sores.

  • The bulk of daily activities can be resumed after a thread lift. But, you should avoid vigorous exercise or physical activity for about 1-2 weeks or until your doctor gives the all-clear. Patients should also limit their alcohol consumption and sun exposure.

  • This substance is both pliable and tough. The threads disintegrate after 6 to 12 months and do not stay in the body permanently.

  • In no more than two weeks, you should fully recover from your thread lift. When the tissue is healing, it's crucial to take your doctor's guidance on what activities to avoid. We advise against doing facial massages and intense exercise.

  • Mild to moderate side effects from PDO threads include swelling, bruising, and soreness right after the procedure. A tight feeling is typical. Skin dimpling can occur, particularly if there is a lot of drooping to be fixed.

    But, it often goes away on its own within a few days to a few weeks. Following treatment, some patients could also feel a strong sting or electric shock when making specific facial gestures. It should pass in around 3 weeks.